Set Sail

What is an upside-down tattoo?

An upside-down tattoo is something that’s been orientated to be “facing you”. This idea of upside-down tattoos is more prominent in tattoos on the wrist area or forearm area.
If you haven’t already, you will probably find yourself down the rabbit hole of Google, Pinterest, Instagram & TikTok. Endlessly searching & scrolling for the perfect representation of the idea you have in your head. Using phrases like “small tattoo” or “tattoos on the wrist” - You'll probably see a lot of the same images wrist with dainty, fine-line tattoos all facing the wrong way up.

"I want the tattoo for me, no-one else!"

Every tattoo is for the wearer.
All those correctly-oriented tattoos you see out in the world? Those are all for the wearer too. They don't feel any differently about their tattoos than you -- but they still chose to orient it correctly, and you can be certain it's never once crossed their minds to have it any other way after it was done.
After all, here's what a fresh tattoo does: all else aside, it transforms your body, it’s something that gives you confidence, it's something you want to show off and something you should be proud of!
Over time, your tattoo becomes part of you. Once the novelty of the new addition has long-since worn off, it will blend seamlessly with your body. Yet, others will inevitably offer opinions, sometimes causing doubts about your choice. Whilst it's important to prioritise your own feelings over the outside judgements of others, we've seen how even a seemingly innocuous comments can impact a clients perception of a tattoo they were once 100% certain on getting.
That's why we encourage considering orientation very carefully.
"I don’t want any more tattoos after this."

Trust us on this one, never say never -- putting a correctly oriented tattoo next to an upside-down tattoo is awkward, to say the least.
A client of ours was kind enough to let us use her arm as an example:
When Abby went for her first tattoo (the New York one) in another studio she wasn't advised on the orientation. She went in with the idea of showing it off in photos when she was going on her NYC trip. When she came to us for her next tattoo, with the idea of building up a sleeve she stuck to her guns about the orientation, despite Sean advising otherwise.
In the end, he completed several tattoos sticking to Abby's idea at the time.
Sure, she can see it when she’s holding her arm up but how often do you really do that? 90% of the time your arm is down by your side, meaning 90% of the time the tattoo is upside down.
We created this fact sheet for you to make an informed decision on something that's going to be with you forever- we want the best for you! Whenever our artists create a tattoo for someone they’ll want it to look its best at all stages, from the design on paper, to the stencil, to the tattoo, to the tattoo 10 years on.
If someone asks where you got your tattoo done,
we want you to proudly tell people where.